Come Clean Laundromat de Regina

CanadaCome Clean Laundromat



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2035 Osler St, Regina, SK S4P 1W5, Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 306-540-9180
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.4465296, Longitude: -104.6044551

commentaires 5

  • Breena Gick

    Breena Gick


    only accepts loonies and quarters, really makes it difficult for stores to give you change. the change machine does not work. nobody works in the office to assist in giving change. online says there is free wifi but the password is not posted anywhere. lack of seating in the building and no public washroom. Washer $3 Dry $2

  • Kyrsten Thornhill

    Kyrsten Thornhill


    In town because I I was working a festival and this place was the closest to the Hotel Saskatchewan. Not busy, which was great, but if it ever is, could use some more seating. Change machine available. No detergent or washroom available when attendant not here. Plenty of plus to charge devices. No WiFi. Wash: $3/load, 27mins Dry: $2/load, 45mins

  • W.E Samuel Strain

    W.E Samuel Strain


    High quality machines and it's super clean

  • Dirk Schoenmaker

    Dirk Schoenmaker


    Not so clean... look for yourself. Made my laundry more dirty!

  • koffing gamer

    koffing gamer


    Love doing my laundry here!! Clean place, friendly workers and am able to get all my laundry done very quickly. Not sure why everyone is complaining about no change dispenser, as there is one there. Highly recommend!!

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