CML HealthCare Inc. de Ottawa

CanadaCML HealthCare Inc.



🕗 horaire

1919, Riverside Drive, K1H 1A2, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-249-8419
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.3970665, Longitude: -75.6684086

commentaires 5

  • en

    R Dol


    The receptionist was very rude and just stared at me when I said hello. She continued to stare at me and I said good morning. I passed along my health card and she said why are you here? When she told me I was in the wrong place and I asked where I should be and she hesitantly and again rudely told me. I was apologetic for being at the wrong office and she ignored me. What a terrible way to start a morning.

  • en



    Extremely slow!!

  • en

    Mu Mash


  • John and Cece

    John and Cece


    My wife went in for an ultrasound the other day. She was met by a lady, who did not introduce herself, turned the screen away and went ahead with the ultrasound. All well and good, the lady said nothing. My wife, wondering how the procedure was going, asked if everything was ok. The lady stopped, looked at my wife, said nothing, and continued on. From there, we were given no more information, and are waiting for results. Whatever about the policies; the bedside manner was atrocious. Not a nice ultrasound experience whatsoever, won't be going back.

  • Adriana Cull

    Adriana Cull


Santé la plus proche

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