CMHA de Ottawa




🕗 horaire

1355, Bank Street, K1H 8K7, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 613-737-7791
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.3880213, Longitude: -75.6753703

commentaires 5

  • Alexei Gherman

    Alexei Gherman


    Excellent staff. My experience has only been positive with this organization.

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    Parker Robinson


    Wonderful people who have helped me a lot.

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    James James


    The CMHA is horrible, they switch workers on you without notice. My worker does not respond to any of my concerns or messages at all, i feel completely ignored. I attended the concurrent disorders group at the office to be greeted the first day to Drunken Glen from the mission who picks empties, snorting lines in the public bathroom. Can you say TRIGGERING!

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    Kamilla Riabko


    Wonderful orgenization! They offer services like case management (one on work social worker), concurrent disorders services (mental health and addictions services), dual-diagnoses services (mental health and developmental disabilities services), housing services, hospital outreach services, court outreach services, public education, training, and peer support. The agency consists of over 160 employees and 60+ volunteers. For information of how to receive their services, just call and ask to speak to an intake worker.

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