City Surplus Store de Sudbury

CanadaCity Surplus Store



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685 Notre Dame Avenue, Sudbury, ON P3A 2T3, Canada
contact téléphone: +1 705-674-9675
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.5079535, Longitude: -80.9870644

commentaires 5

  • en

    Richard Murphy


    Great store for outdoor gear. Sad to see it closing

  • Curtis Bisson

    Curtis Bisson


    Good place but its closing so if you buy anything its not refundable so make sure its what you need

  • en

    A F


    Exorbitant prices, merchandise that has been sitting around so long it is beginning to yellow, and staff that follow you around like a thief. Some of their discounted clearance items are more expensive than their full priced counterparts at other retailers.

  • en

    Roger Clement


    It a decendly size place that is going out of business, so I would think item would be a little cheaper. The prices are either more expensive or the same price has other store. Don't worry you need to be an extra large male to buy anything here. All the items I look at were XXL or bigger. Or the shoes where size 12 or bigger.

  • en

    JD Carlyle


    Nice place but closing store, discounted items, average prices when I was there last

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