City At Night i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaCity At Night



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222, Slater Street, K1P 5H8, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canadá
kontakter telefon: +1 613-241-2489
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.419424, Longitude: -75.699371

kommentar 5

  • Rupinder Singh

    Rupinder Singh


    Really clean and friendly staff. Dj is good but compared to Toronto it's not according to Ottawa it's probably the best you can get. The only problem is it doesn't get that much busy or anything it's quite empty.

  • Benjamin Sweett

    Benjamin Sweett


    Small venue with plenty of electronic events to choose from. Crowd can be hit or miss depending on the artist playing. Drinks are pricey for the quality and quantity you get. No beer on tap and slow bar service. Door staff is friendly but coat check is extremely slow. Sound is acceptable when balanced correctly. Default decor and lighting is OK but it would be better if the venue regularly included some of the stuff the promoters bring for their events.

  • P Vasq

    P Vasq


    Great events. Finally Ottawa is bringing in big names inTech, Tech-house, House and Progressive that will rival those of the bigger cities in Ontario. Move aside other clubs...time for some good changes in Ottawa. If you are a serious music lover that loves dance music (enjoys ID'g new tracks for your collection) or loves to dance, this is the place to hit.

  • Patrick Mineault

    Patrick Mineault


    Great club with an awesone line up of i international and local dj's... Sunday is hip hop night... Always good times when I go... safe, fun, and entertaining

  • Marc-Antoine Huberdeau

    Marc-Antoine Huberdeau


    Intimate venue with events hosted by people who are passionate with electronic music (Tech House, Techno, Progressive). Usually there will also be hip-hop on Sundays.

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