CIBC Branch with ATM de Coquitlam

CanadaCIBC Branch with ATM



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1410 Parkway Boulevard East, Coquitlam, BC V3E 3J7, Canada
contact téléphone: +1 604-552-6360
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.2966015, Longitude: -122.8025567

commentaires 5

  • en

    Caitlin Sanford


    I called CIBC credit card section who told me to go to a branch to hand in a document. The lady at this branch had no idea what to do with my document, so she decided to just mail it in. My document was rejected because it needed to be certified with a signature and identification. I needed this to be done quickly and this was a huge inconvenience as I did not find out it was rejected until a couple weeks later.

  • Tianne Baker

    Tianne Baker


    Very disappointed with the poor customer service from Jessica Chung. After several years as a loyal customer with high balances, she would not even waive a $3 service charge. They nickel and dime you and don't care about the customer at all. I would stay away if I were you. Find another financial institution who actually cares whether you stay or go. Rude, unprofessional and not worth your time.

  • Mary B

    Mary B


    we all love the professional employees in this location. The person who always help us is Elham .she is very knowledgeable and cares about all clients

  • en

    clive trucker


    It's a new electronic branch Don't go there There are no tellers and no service. It doesn't work, All your banking is done by machine.

  • Simon Hardy-Francis

    Simon Hardy-Francis


    Only 1 teller at 11:15 AM with 8 people in the queue in front of me. Calling the branch voice line rings and eventually goes to voice mail. Actually quicker to drive to another branch :-(

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