CIBC Branch & ATM de Whitby

CanadaCIBC Branch & ATM



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80 Thickson Road South, Whitby, ON L1N 7T2, Canada
contact téléphone: +1 905-430-1801
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.8830232, Longitude: -78.913156

commentaires 5

  • en

    Like Ice Cream


  • Danny Tanner

    Danny Tanner


    Typical CIBC, meh but not great but not awful.

  • Brandon Lynchock

    Brandon Lynchock


    This CIBC is both good and bad at the same time. The staff is super friendly and helpful in this cozy little CIBC but the parking lot is always jam packed. Also, theres been a few times during peak periods that the lineups almost head out the door, yet several tills remained closed...?

  • en

    JR D


    most are great, you will know the experienced ones, a couple decided it was better to carry on their personal conversation than help an employee who asked them a question about some issue I had. This is happening at all the banks. Inexperienced people are called Financial Reps who know nothing, have no past experience, we are guinea pigs while they learn on the job. We have no time to sit for an hour while they figure out what they need to do to help us out. They should be well trained before they meet with clients, and know their system perfectly before they even begin to attempt to help us. Make they study their system before they help people. The CIBC coins system is a joke, which has not been updated for the past 25 years. And please quit arranging appointments and divisive when alloting meeting with clients. A coloured person does not have to only meet with another coloured employee.

  • Alex Povolotski

    Alex Povolotski


    Always prefer AW against other fast food chains. More food, fresher food and root beer :-)

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