CIBC Branch & ATM de Vancouver

CanadaCIBC Branch & ATM



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4493 Main Street, Vancouver, BC V5V 3R2, Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 604-665-7607
site web:
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Latitude: 49.244647, Longitude: -123.1015273

commentaires 5

  • Oliver Mitchell

    Oliver Mitchell


    Most incompetence I've ever encountered. No-one has a clue what is going on. Do not visit.

  • A不集邮的拾贝者



    I am giving this comment under a lot of pressure. I had a really ridiculously bad experience,one adviser tell me I am stupid and funny , I left a comment here and they found my number by looking at my personal information on file, called me with private number and I was threaten and insulted by the adviser I made complaining about. He is forcing me to delete the bad comment about him. If you are planing on having an account here , my recommendation is. Never go here and don't talk to The Chinese male adviser called Bill Song. he is lack of experience,rude, had really bad,ridiculous and unacceptable service(I would not even call it a service). I was asking him to release the fund which CIBC hold for months wiz no reason , And he was saying I am stupid and funny, he even threaten me to terminate my mortgage which he dose not have the right to do . I had bank with scotia RBC and TD before . none of their employee dare to say things like this to mes

  • Dora Dubber

    Dora Dubber


    The folks who work here really don't seem to know what they're doing. Was consistently talked over and they thought a transfer was a withdrawal and misplaced the money.

  • にのみやよい



    店大欺客 为所欲为 这是我朋友的亲身经历,他在该银行某华裔男性员工的服务中被辱骂,被扬言要挟终止银行早已批准通过的贷款。我朋友在这里发布评价,还被他找到我朋友的私人联系方式,并用未知私人号码给我朋友打电话要求我朋友删除评论,否则他找我朋友麻烦足以把我朋友赶出加拿大

  • en

    Li Sammy


    Dont have account and have any service with them unless you want the staff to call your number by looking at your personal information on file wiz a private unknown phone number and insult ,threat you and tell that you are Brainless and funny just because you leave a bad comment on google about there rude service. They will do whatever it takes to force you delete it .Speically if you are a visitor or international student , they will threat you that they are going to kick you out of canda. Here is the story My best friend opened a account here and applying for a mortgage. The adviser was a Chinese guy last named friend was sending him message and ask why there is fund is on hold for no reason and all the other branch is tellling him to talk to this guy who he opened account with .he reply my friend a series of message saying that my friend is brainless and funny. I was there when this adviser sent these to My friend. My friend left a comment on Google and this guy was calling my friend that he is going to sue him and kick him out of Canada cuz he is just a international student. He definitely need a retain y self have account wiz cibc and planning on apply a mortgage. I would definitely not to use cibc anymore and recommend others. Do not use cibc and have any relationship wiz them unless you want to get a series of trouble, threaten and be told you are brainless and stupid. And you don't want to involve any sue case just because you left a bad comment on Google.

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