CIBC Branch & ATM de Victoria

CanadaCIBC Branch & ATM



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2224, Oak Bay Avenue, V8R 1G5, Victoria, Capital, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 250-356-4335
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4267169, Longitude: -123.3152079

commentaires 3

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    Erjon B


    Went to close a business account, they had one teller open, this guy Kevin came out of his office and offered to help. Thanks to him didn't have to wait however it would have been better if I waited. He was not helpfull at all. He didn't try, he said that I have to go to a different branch to close my account since I had opened there. Also, he said the monthly fee is charged always at the end of the month not a month in advance and my account fee was for July, basically he wanted me to pay for August as well. Week prior I was at another CIBC branch and what all Kevin said it was not true and unprofessional, Kevin offered me his business card, I had to say "I don't need it, I am not going to wasted". Awful experience, will move all my banking to somewhere else just because of people like Kevin who work at this branch

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    liam w


    Great free student accounts and awesome advisors

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    Very nice bank

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