Church of Scientology of Winnipeg de Winnipeg

CanadaChurch of Scientology of Winnipeg



🕗 horaire

315, Garry Street, R3B 2G7, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 204-943-5790
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.8950148, Longitude: -97.1411311

commentaires 5

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    Mia Toews


    I can't believe we actually have a place in Winnipeg, that supports this.

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    Mandi Martin


    I love the courses I am taking here! This place changed my life and got me off drugs and has continued to help me in all areas of my life for years now.

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    Dayo Moore


    I really enjoy the courses here and I love to help out when I can with the programs that help get rid of toxins in the body due to drug use or other environmental harms. If you know anything about getting to the truth of something that you are interested in, you probably know it requires your own inspection. The Church staff are very friendly I found and helpful, upon my own inspection.

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    A Google User


    These people are insane stay away! they will entangle your life and try to control it. Went there once and out curiosity 10 years ago and they still send me correspondence. Cult in the worst way save your money your time and your sanity. You might as well take up drugs or any other destructive behavior to this place.

Église la plus proche

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