Christ Church Cathedral de Victoria

CanadaChrist Church Cathedral


pas d'information

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930, Burdett Avenue, V8V 3G8, Victoria, Capital, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 250-383-2714
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4222786, Longitude: -123.3594756

commentaires 5

  • Mariusz Stepien

    Mariusz Stepien


    Peaceful inside... playful outside with a nice kids playground

  • Joanne Schmutz

    Joanne Schmutz


    We were on a private tour and they brought us to this church, and it is absolutely one of the most beautiful churches I have ever seen. A kind lady gave us a tour and told us all about the history of the church. Someone was practicing the handmade organ and it filled the church with beautiful music. This is a must see experience.

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    StephenKrtd Kerslake


    Visited for first Sunday of Advent carol service. Beautiful way to commence Christmas season. Choir was magnificent.

  • atis metuzals

    atis metuzals


    magnificent architecture looming over Victoria surrounded by the splendour of well kept grounds and cemetery

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    Nazanin Kadivar


    It is a beautiful building. The staff are friendly and helpful. I wish they would play music all the time though. It is very plain when there's no music.

Église la plus proche

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