Chocolaterie Bernard Callebaut de Calgary

CanadaChocolaterie Bernard Callebaut



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847, 17 Avenue Southwest, T2S 0B7, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 403-244-1665
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.03771, Longitude: -114.0816654

commentaires 5

  • elrobbio1



    Excellent chocolates. Not cheap but worth it. Very high quality.

  • en

    Jamie Knox


    Good chocolate but the staff makes it a rather unpleasant shopping experience. I came in hoping to build a few custom boxes for my clients and the associate who helped me was not helpful and made me feel like I was bothering her and her chat with another associate. Built one box and decided to take my business elsewhere. Super disappointing. Won't be returning.

  • Paul Bryden

    Paul Bryden


    How can you not enjoy chocolate? Make sure you linger long enough for the free samples they pass out.

  • en

    telus black


    This place is extremely overpriced. A box of chocolate that is nice chocolate but not any better then the stuff you can get elsewhere in Calgary is 100$. if you are looking for nice chocolate then their are places that make their own chocolate that's much nicer then this stuff for much less.

  • Alan Walker

    Alan Walker


    Some of the most expensive chocolates you could ever buy and it's still a hit or miss with some people.

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