Chicago Joe's Restaurant de Winnipeg

CanadaChicago Joe's Restaurant



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1808, Wellington Avenue, R3H 0G3, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 204-786-4801
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.9010331, Longitude: -97.211645

commentaires 5

  • Brad Greenslade

    Brad Greenslade


    I live in Ontario and recently spent a week in Winnipeg for work. The first couple of restaurants that I ate at were too expensive and I was still hungry after finishing my dinner. I gave Chicago Joe's a try on my 3rd evening. My first impression was that the atmosphere was small town diner style. The price was right, food was well prepared, service was friendly and efficient and the portions filled me up. I ended up eating there 4 nights in a row.

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    Spunky Chicken


    I recently went to this restaurant/lounge following and event and the service was terribly slow. People around us being served while waitress never came back to our table. I wont be visiting this place again.

  • Clee Hammer

    Clee Hammer


    Pleasantly surprised! Our server, Walter was amazing, and handled my special dietary issues / order with concern and caring. My two friends ordered the striploin dinner special and we were all amazed at the portion size and quality of the overall meal. We also saw some freshly ordered burgers being delivered to another table and they looked amazing. We will be back again soon to give them a try!

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    Trent Nutter


    The service was good but for the price I thought the portions were small.

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    Janessa Hebert


    Visited Chicago Joe's for Burger Week - burger was very average. There was nothing wrong with it, but I was not overly impressed. The picture of the burger for Burger Week was not the same as what we got - there was not a lot of mashed potatoes, there were only a few small cut up pieces of kielbasa, and the sour cream seemed like it was missing. I would compare the food quality to Montana's or Perkins.

Restaurant la plus proche

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