Chateau Louis Hotel & Conference Centre de Edmonton

CanadaChateau Louis Hotel & Conference Centre


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11727, Kingsway Northwest, T5G 3A1, Edmonton, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 780-452-7770
site web:
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Latitude: 53.5662737, Longitude: -113.5221768

commentaires 5

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    Kirk Russell


    I’ve stayed at the Chateau many times, I think about 11 now to be honest and have never had a problem. The staff were great, breakfast is great, and they make the best Ginger Beef Stir Fry I’ve ever had. But this last trip I was very disappointed, the fridge didn’t work and ruined my food, the shower was just a drizzle. So they upgraded me which I did appreciate a lot. I got to the King Room. Amazing bed and washrooms but no Microwave, when I called front desk the lady who answered asked why I needed one? When I responded with to warm up my food!! She replied with I’ll ask house keeping but I don’t think we can help you. I can’t believe that. I can’t let one bad experience ruin it though, may just be a new staff member. But honestly 1 out of 11 is not a bad record and I will still suggest friends and family to stay there. I still got love for you Chateau and I’ll still come back. ❀❀❀

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    J Weran


    Never stayed at the hotel or went to the bar. Just went to the liquor store. It's fantastic. Excellent selection, surprisingly good prices and knowledgeable staff. We go again.

  • Sarah Kennedy

    Sarah Kennedy


    I didn't stay in the hotel, but we went for a birthday meal. It wasn't my birthday, but I have food allergies. I can't have dairy or gluten and so it's a concern to eat out. I shouldn't have worried. When we showed up, the waitress told us right away that they were aware of my allergies and that the chef would be coming out to discuss the buffet with us. I was floored. The chef came out and went through each dish with me. They offered to make me certain items like gluten free waffles or mixed potatoes with cheese I can eat. Absolutely amazing! The best part? I didn't get sick afterwards. So it was truly celiac friendly which is really hard to find. The service and attention to detail was unbelievable. This is what a restaurant should be like. So impressed.

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    Julia Haggerty


    Sweet hotel. Not fancy and a little dated but very cozy, and nice service. Nice size room, good bed, great towels. Wifi works well everywhere. Very quiet. I appreciate the two sink areas so that two people can get ready at the same time. Restaurant has casual and tasty food. Came for business event and would stay here again for business.

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    Danny Demelo


    I was a little disappointed upon attempting getting a room. I asked for the Presidential Suite which I always get as I’ve stayed here a number of times. It’s the best suite in Edmonton so I suppose this review isn’t all negative. The gentleman at the counter quoted me the rate and I asked for a 2 night stay. No problem. I stated twice that I would be in the room by myself as it’s just passed midnight and I’m exhausted. He felt compelled to let me know that there would be no additional guests allowed tonight or after 11 pm tomorrow. I stated again that I am by myself but if I have a guest tomorrow, it’s not his concern and asked why can I not have a guest as I felt he was suggesting something. The gentleman said the rooms are made of wood and it’s quiet time. I’m 41 years old and have stayed at the Chateau Louis a number of times and have never received a complaint. Obviously, it’s offensive and as much as I like the room, I’m not going to be treated like a 12 year old adolescent. Sorry to see you go Chateau Louis! Your room will be missed.

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