CF Shops at Don Mills de Toronto

CanadaCF Shops at Don Mills



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1090, Don Mills Road, M3C 3R6, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA CanadĂĄ
contact téléphone: +1 416-447-6087
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.7339366, Longitude: -79.3439128

commentaires 5

  • es

    Dante Beleno


    Lugar de muchas tiendas muy bonito y seguro lugar

  • en

    Adil A


    An upscale, bourgeois environment, generally consisting of high-end restaurants and retail outlets. It's a nice place to walk through, but somewhat of a snooty crowd tends to congregate around these shops. During the warmer months, you may see one or two Ferrari's or other high-end cars swarming around or parked outside one of the restaurants. Not sure you'd want to come here unless you're into acting like you're into the lifestyles of the rich and famous. Oh and if you are rich and famous in real life, then for heaven's sake, do something valuable with your resources instead of merely showboating at the Shops of Don Mills!

  • en

    Danielle Munro`


    The shops are really high end. The layout of the shops is really nice as well. Its a nice area. Lots of restaurants to choose from as well. They've got tables outside with fire pits. That ball that lights up, you can actually walk through it. Its pretty cool. VIP movie theater is there as well. I would recommend Joey for food, but there's several other restaurants. There's also one dessert place. Demetres is going to be opening soon as well. Great place to go for a shopping trip. There's something for everyone

  • Loawding Buitrago

    Loawding Buitrago


    Muy organizado, hay dias donde la espera es larga pero vale la pena.

  • Erendira GarcĂ­a

    Erendira GarcĂ­a


    Excelente lugar para jugar con los niños

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