Century Casino Calgary de Calgary

CanadaCentury Casino Calgary



🕗 horaire

1010, 42 Avenue Southeast, T2G 1Z4, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 403-287-1183
site web: www.cnty.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0165381, Longitude: -114.0391094

commentaires 5

  • Warren Chief

    Warren Chief


    Best casino in town. Always smiling staff . Slot machines actually pay out. All around fun atmosphere .

  • en

    Daniel Cubaynes


    Me and my girlfriend love coming here for breakfast on the weekends great price and delicious food and enjoy playing slots after breakfast

  • Liam Tunny

    Liam Tunny


    Good specials in the restaurant. Service was courteous and prompt. Food was fresh and ample portions.

  • Ralph Birchard

    Ralph Birchard


    Stopped by and was offered $3.99 breakfast if i took one minute to sign up for the "members" program which i did. Great breakfast, nice atmosphere and super service. Thank you, i'll be back soon

  • Marc Gervais

    Marc Gervais


    I have been coming to this casino for years. I find the staff here not as friendly and don't smile much compared to the other casino's in town. I really think they need to improve their morale. I do like the games and the variety at this casino. The restaurant is pretty good.

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