CentreTown Pharmacy i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaCentreTown Pharmacy



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326, Bank Street, K2P 1Y1, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-422-2900
internet side: pharmaco.ca
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.4142546, Longitude: -75.6956649

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sandy Cloutier


    George as well as all the other staff are always amazing! They're a great team and George is beyond helpful and knowledgeable and he genuinely cares about those he helps. Ive been going to his pharmacy for years and I because of who they are and the service they provide It will always be the pharmacy I go to :) thanks centertown pharmacy!

  • en

    Rebecca Labelle


    Great pharmacy.. The staff is amazing.. never any problems..

  • en

    Dylan Nicholson


    I go here everyday the service is fantastic and everyone who works here is very helpful

  • Ian McNeil

    Ian McNeil


    Great locally owned pharmacy. Service is fantastic

  • Rachelle Ibrahim

    Rachelle Ibrahim


    Amazing Service, amazing pharmacy! George is a young professional knowledgeable pharmacist! He will answer all your questions and make sure you understand everything! He takes his time with people and is very patient! If you can't go to the pharmacy, he will make sure to get your prescription delivered to your house! I never met a pharmacist that cares so much about his patients! You can trust him with your health! Me and my whole family are very thankful. Thank you for your great service

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