Centre de Beauté Diva - Diva Beauty Center de Montréal

CanadaCentre de Beauté Diva - Diva Beauty Center



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630, Rue Sherbrooke Ouest, H3A 1E4, Montréal, Communauté-Urbaine-de-Montréal, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 514-845-5525
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.5052318, Longitude: -73.5727597

commentaires 1

  • Sara H

    Sara H


    I went today to redeem my voucher for an online deal that I had purchased for a shellac mani/pedi and a Moroccan oil hair treatment with a blow dry. I was first told I would be charged $6 for them to remove my nail polish. The mani-pedi was ok, nothing exciting but no bad comments either. The shellac was done ok. I have some inconsistency in the color but nothing overly noticeable. After having the Moroccan oil hair treatment was I told that she would dry my hair but not style it. As I have curly hair, to have it dried straight would also cost me an additional fee. I tried to explain that a "blow dry" involves at least a slight styling but she said using a brush involved work and so it costs more. WOW I ended up going home with soaking wet hair because "just drying it" would create an afro of immense proportions and then drying and straightening my hair myself. NOT IMPRESSED!

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