Centennial Botanical Conservatory de Thunder Bay

CanadaCentennial Botanical Conservatory



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1601, Dease Street, P7C 5H3, Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 807-622-7036
site web: www.thunderbay.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.3909019, Longitude: -89.260446

commentaires 5

  • en

    Terrence Stagniton


    A beautiful refuge on a cold windy winter day. My friend and I met at the Conservatory for a walk through the building on a cold windy winter day. We enjoyed the variety of plants, some we recognized, others we didn't. When we arrived there was a wedding just about to happen. We felt a little like intruders, but we still managed to see most of the areas except for walking in the centre portion where the ceremony was taking place. I would recommend that a sign be placed at the entrance saying that a wedding was taking place, but that visitors are welcome to come in.

  • Cara O'Brien

    Cara O'Brien


    Lovely place to visit- especially in the winter. Affordable (by donation) and family friendly. Yes 2 rooms were closed off but you can still peak in and it's pretty much free.

  • Diana Stansell

    Diana Stansell


    My husband and I had a great time. Nice that is it free and beautiful plants. We went today for the plant sale and because their we're DJ's playing. I haven't even before but definitely would recommend as a cold weather event. Also family friendly. I said five stars but if I could I would give it 10 gold stars!

  • Yappy Smurf

    Yappy Smurf


    This is a beautiful place where you can go and see plants in a warm environment. The staff are vary welcoming and it's always clean. A great place to take a date or just go to spend time in your thoughts. Plus it's great for photo shoots.

  • en

    Jade Lif


    Love this place. Some plants and trees look so ancient you can't help but feel a bit enchanted. Cactus section wasn't accessible, but for what I could see through the door it was very beautiful. Great respect for the individuals who work hard to keep the conservatory running, and I hope it stays up for future generations to experience.

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