Carnarvon Park de Victoria

CanadaCarnarvon Park



🕗 horaire

2801, Henderson Road, V8R 3B5, Victoria, Capital, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 250-595-7946
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4394212, Longitude: -123.3172094

commentaires 5

  • en

    sanna stephenson


    Kid friendly very busy

  • Natalia RS

    Natalia RS


    great water park. fields have lots of shade and there are public washrooms and tennis courts

  • en

    Keith Berry


    Best water-park in town for young kids. fully fenced and good variety, best for ages 0-8 or so.

  • Kevin House

    Kevin House


    Decent sized park and lots of room for thing other than baseball. I play pick up volleyball weekly here with friends and there's always room. The park appears well kept.

  • Lauren ek

    Lauren ek


    What a wonderful water park and playground! It gets pretty crowded on sunny days... For good reason. There are many water stations, and play ground options. Even a little zip line.

Parc la plus proche

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