Canadian Tire de Thompson

CanadaCanadian Tire



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60, Selkirk Avenue, R8N 0M8, Thompson, Division No. 22, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 204-778-8888
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 55.7430783, Longitude: -97.8539951

commentaires 5

  • en

    Mike Rawluk


    Poor service in general...mail order is a joke

  • en

    Michelle Martin


    Customer service, like in most places in Thompson, is widely lacking. Called every phone number listed for the store, every department, and not one person is picking up. Avoid at all costs.

  • Lee Belyea

    Lee Belyea


    Tightening up product lines some things not available there anymore.

  • Cody Caron

    Cody Caron


    The service here is very mediocre. I recommend when you go here to make sure you know what you are looking for. If their system says they have two of something. Chances are it’s not there.

  • Joe intime

    Joe intime


    Everytime I go to Canadian Tire I leave feeling very dissatisfied first of all takes forever to find somebody that works there because they wear these faded t-shirts and no name tags so you can't really tell who's working there and we were not working there as their shirts are more orange then red then when you do get someone to help you well good luck finding someone who knows what they're doing I went in to buy a pair of skates first time skater they told me I needed to go sign up felt a little bit big but they should wear socks and you'll be fine there will be really wrong when in today to buy some inserts for skates and it took me 5 minutes to explain what the insole of skate is their customer service skills are lacking their knowledge the product of this supposed to be selling is lacking with someone and Hardware to ask him something about Hardware and they have no idea what their talking about what store is nice they have a good selection other than when they have a sale then they don't have any selection of the stuff they have on sale go figure have a sale on sockets they don't got no sockets they have a sale on skates to skate wall is bear and this isn't going in five days after the sale this is going in the day before the sale so again I'm not being cranky you're spiteful I'm just stating the truth

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