Canadian Tire de Vancouver

CanadaCanadian Tire



🕗 horaire

2290, Cambie Street, V5Z 2T7, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 604-707-2290
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.26535, Longitude: -123.1138631

commentaires 5

  • M Bhatti

    M Bhatti


    Big store with everything you would expect to find at a Candian Tire store. The store itself is split over a couple of floors with the garage on the main floor. Lots of staff members on the floor at any given time, although they aren't very helpful and lack knowledge. Service needs work, but location is good and prices are what you would expect.

  • Kyle Wright

    Kyle Wright


    This is a really great store. Selection is excellent which is a lot of what I look for in a store. Evelyn was very kind & helpful, and Glen donated a few quality items for door prizes for our fundraiser event. My experience was exaclty what I needed. I’ve also made several purchases that went very well so thanks Canadian Tire - Cambie! -Kyle

  • Adam Hutt

    Adam Hutt


    I was pleasantly surprised going here here today. I had 5 totally random and non related items I needed and I asked a girl with a blond ponytail if she could tell me where I might find them, without hesitation she knew exactly which rows they were in, how far down and which side they were on. Very impressive!

  • Mike Regan

    Mike Regan


    Didn't have what I wanted, but staff tried to help and I really appreciated their attention. The woman even volunteered that a Rona had a few in stock. And Canadian Tire always has awesome sales. Can't go wrong visiting any time.

  • Verna Chow

    Verna Chow


    This has got to be one of the easiest stores to find things you need. Last year I got my Christmas decorations from here and my tree still looks amazing this year! Also, I always spend too much time in their housewares department, they have all of the great kitchen stuff at great prices and wonderful sales. Their staff are very helpful and it's such a nice clean store with great hours to shop at! In addition, they are excellent community partners, and have participated in community events! THANK YOU!!!

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