Canada Post de Sudbury

CanadaCanada Post



🕗 horaire

86, Elm Street, P3C 1T0, Sudbury, Greater Sudbury Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.49322, Longitude: -80.9971

commentaires 5

  • Carolyn Steven

    Carolyn Steven


    The girls working here do so maturely and deal with nothing but ingratitude from awful, awful customers day in and day out. I've never had a problem with them and if there is a problem it's because I haven't followed directions or a truck is late, which isn't their fault.

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    Kyle Baxter


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    Tara LC


    Customer service is wonderful. People do not understand these workers work for shoppers drug mart not Canada post -they don’t receive the same pay or same benefits, and are expected to do work for the store and do the postal outlet with less staff than the post office. Maybe the people complaining about the long lines saying they should budget more time, should budget more time themselves or complain to Canada Post.

  • Nichlaus Lovsin

    Nichlaus Lovsin


    The lines here can get really long, budget some extra time.

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    Kevin Morris


    The poor level of customer service at this location is almost hard to believe. The staff are rude, slow, and unfriendly. They antagonize people and then put up a sign saying "disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated." The reviews for the Shoppers Drug Mart at this location are filled with many negative comments about the same issues. Staff make people feel stupid, don't honor their hours, ignore long line ups and don't open the second cash to help people faster. These people really need training on proper customer service, or they need to be fired and replaced with people who actually want to help people.

Bureau de poste la plus proche

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