Canada Post de Calgary

CanadaCanada Post



🕗 horaire

110 500 Centre St, Calgary, AB T2G 1A0, Kanada
contact téléphone: +1
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0479, Longitude: -114.06268

commentaires 3

  • en

    Hedy Hughes


    After having numerous negative encounters at this location, I would also rate it a zero if possible. One of the ladies employed there must despise working for Canada Post as she is absolutely miserable, unfriendly, and unwilling to be the slightest bit helpful with anything.

  • Edward Rooney

    Edward Rooney


    Confident location. Pay parking.

  • en

    Yiwen Guo


    I want to rate 0 if i can. Never ever recommend this store again. They don't like the people to do the refund, and they show it on their face. The reason for it is the Canada post won't let them send back the things they can't sell, then why should they do the refund for the customer. What a stupid reason.

Bureau de poste la plus proche

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