Canada Computers & Electronics de Richmond Hill

CanadaCanada Computers & Electronics



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75, West Wilmot Street, L4B 1K7, Richmond Hill, York Regional Municipality, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 905-946-9688
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.85139, Longitude: -79.3901711

commentaires 5

  • Steve Knights

    Steve Knights


    Be aware of the Canada Computer Techs trying to rip you off! I called the store about having a CPU installed in my machine and buying a new fan for my upgrade from Intel i3 to i7. I was quoted between $20-$30 for the installation. When I get to the store, the Technician - Timothy from Richmond Hill, clearly did not want to install the fan. He started adding all kinds of ridiculous charges, $40 install, $50 BIOS Update and a few more things i cant remember but, it was well over $100! I will never give Canada Computers my business again. These guys are crocks and like to take advantage of people that don't understand computers. I'm not one of those people, so I took my computer back and left the store.

  • Chris Jamieson

    Chris Jamieson


    Order late by a few weeks. No updates, no explanation, and no one picks up the phone. I tried almost every extension (I've called over 100 times) and was only able to get a hold of one person, who may or may not prove to be helpful. I highly advise against online ordering. Terrible customer service... Whoever manages the online order / CS department should be let go along with everyone else who works in these departments.

  • en

    Brian C


    Don't order online. You can call their online support number as much as you want but nobody will ever answer. Any number or extension you call at their head office will ring-no-answer. I ordered an item from them a week ago where online inventory said they had 10 of them in stock which now says the item is in back order a week later and was not able to get any status update on the order. There is no direct line of communication you have to open a case on their website and it takes 2-3 days for them to respond. Recommend if you buy anything from them do it in store but never online... can only imagine what the return process would be like.

  • S Steel

    S Steel


    I'll second what everyone else here is saying; DO NOT ORDER ANYTHING ONLINE from this company. Its almost impossible to get anyone to answer the phone at customer service (or any other extensions) and there are ZERO updates on your purchase on their website. When I did get ahold of someone, I was given the excuse that "we're really busy". Maybe if you had more than one person working customer service, you'd be better equipped to provide customers with any kind of service. If the item doesn't arrive today or tomorrow, I'll be calling my bank to arrange a chargeback. It's incredible that a chain with as bad a review rating as this is able to expand as fast as they are...

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    Joe H


    Ordered an external hard drive online, because I thought it would be more convenient than going to the store and buying it. As it happens, walking the ten miles or so to the store closest to me would have been less frustrating. Tried calling to change my order from home delivery to store pickup, but no one answers the phone. I also sent an inquiry through their website, but the same person ignoring my phone calls appears to be ignoring e-mails as well. Clearly, I'm spoiled by great experiences with Amazon or Best Buy, so when a retailer offers online sales, I expect the experience to mirror the experience I've had with them.

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