Canada Child Tax Benefit de Regina

CanadaCanada Child Tax Benefit


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1955, Smith Street, S4P 2N8, Regina, Division No. 6, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 800-387-1193
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.4479869, Longitude: -104.6149819

commentaires 5

  • en



    You can never get through because they closed the queue lines. Another way they try to screw us over.

  • Sheryl Ariate

    Sheryl Ariate


    Canada Child tax will help low income families, it was until they cut mine for 3 months now. and it takes them forever to update my account. plus they don't consider that low income people are expecting and including it in their budget. Call them, and they make life harder for you. And oh by the the way if you ask them many things they will accuse you of just wanting to get more money. I had that the very first time I called when I first complete my application. I was only gathering information on how to apply back then. Brutal.

  • en

    Laura Lennon


    The phone always rings busy and can never get threw to talk to anyone...this phone system is pretty bad maybe should update the way the phone sytem is because it's just a headache most of the time..brutal services ..I hope it gets a lot better sooner than later

  • Acidron Drag

    Acidron Drag


    I've been on hold so long, I now need the number for my old age pension!

  • Jeyran Main

    Jeyran Main


    You can never get through the number.

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