Campbell & Kennedy Electric Ltd de Toronto

CanadaCampbell & Kennedy Electric Ltd


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181, University Avenue, M5H 3M7, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 416-363-0731
site web:
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Latitude: 43.6492592, Longitude: -79.3852966

commentaires 1

  • College Backpackers

    College Backpackers


    The receptionist who answered the phone was incredibly kind and listened to my concerns before transferring me to Sabrina. Sabrina, however, was shockingly rude. She answered the transfer by telling me she was already on the phone with someone else, huffed int the receiver and asked me what I needed in an irritated fashion. When i asked if it would be possible to request assistance this afternoon, she impatiently repeated that she was on the other line and asked for my phone number to call me back. Before having a chance to give her the phone number, she rudely demanded ``quick, give me your number, quickly!`` When I asked her if i should call someone else, her response was `fine`` and the line was disconnected. You`ve lost the business of our hostel which is unfortunate since we were looking for a new regular electrician for our facility...

Électricien la plus proche

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