Call Canadian Plumbing & Heating Ltd de Calgary

CanadaCall Canadian Plumbing & Heating Ltd



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829, Highfield Avenue Southeast, T2G 4C7, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 403-293-1888
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.015295, Longitude: -114.042743

commentaires 2

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    Marie Mitchell


    We had this crazy leak coming through the dry wall, we had no idea where it was coming from. After cutting out half of the wall, the plumber found it was coming from a drain line from the furnace! He did an amazing job! From start to finish he was very professional, and kept me informed with everything he did.Thank you so much Call Canadian Plumbing, I will definitely be recommending your services and phoning you again when needed!

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    Laura Smith


    I have used a few plumbing companies in the past for my rental properties and I have to say by far Call Canadian Plumbing has had the fastest and most reliable service I have ever had.

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