C-Train Calgary Transit de Calgary

CanadaC-Train Calgary Transit


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Crowchild Trail Northwest, T2L 2A6, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 403-262-1000
site web: www.calgarytransit.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.086124, Longitude: -114.132285

commentaires 5

  • Jason Xiao

    Jason Xiao


  • en

    Derek B


    This citie's Transit system is an embaressment and a testament to albertas low taxes. But the worst thing about it is the conception thr drivers have to allow 30 people or more to wait in the cold for no reason. As I and 20 people walk off the bus and head to the platform, an almost empty train at a station that wont have a train comming for another 15 minutes takes off, honking and sounding the warning lights as people are despretley trying to catch the train and avoid a needless delay in their life. If this were a subway or it was a train station in the middle of the line I could understand, but in this case it's purely the train drivers ironically trying to be on time by 1 minute (maybe they get disciplined for being one ninute late) and that causes the train driver to avoid all logic and allow 25 people who were all right about at the door. This is why i make it my perogative to hold the doors for everyone, to tell people to move back in busses and trains to allow people to ride and get home safely. Because I care about the people in my city unlike the greedy faceless corporation that is Calgary Transit.

  • Bala Gayathri Sekar

    Bala Gayathri Sekar


    My recent experience at the C-train ticket machine was very weird. A strange lady is out there be careful everyone. I was going to get my ticket, out of no where this lady pushes me aside and tries to get the ticket, i let go of it thinking maybe she was in a hurry.. After getting her ticket she still did not move.. I saw her put some more coins and she ran for the train.. Turns out she had put two coins together making sure the next person does not use it... Very very strange.. Be careful guys at the ticket counter.. I hope the transit authority does something about this.

  • Gladys Rivera

    Gladys Rivera


    felicitaciones por el nuevo metro de Calgary. me gustaría que existiera la misma cultura metro de mi país Colombia Medellin. no comer. cuidarío dándole un bien uso. esta Hermoso. gracias

  • es

    Maria Pablo


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