Bytown Bayou Louisiana Smokehouse i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaBytown Bayou Louisiana Smokehouse



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140, O'Connor Street, K2P 1T3, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-791-1645
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Latitude: 45.4187923, Longitude: -75.6975272

kommentar 5

  • Scott B

    Scott B


    Update - I have tried twice to sample their wares, again, but both times the truck has been absent... lost a star... lol My rating would be three out of five. I had the Bayou Burger and fries. The fries were perfection, light, crisp and delicious. I was quite surprised that the burger is cold pork on a cold bun, luckily I took it back to the office and heated it up. The pork was flavourless, for my tastes, but had a nice smokiness to it. My colleagues had the tacos and rated them very high. One suggestion would be to offer toppings other than cole slaw (shredded lettuce and radishes was mentioned). Overall, it was tasty, and the portion size was great value for the money.

  • Shannon McEvenue

    Shannon McEvenue


    I generally do not comment on quantity of food because I prefer quality smaller portion food. But for $7 the size of the taco was rip off small. I ordered it so I thought I would take it without complaining. It was fine but I would not buy that $7 snack again.

  • Denis Murphy

    Denis Murphy


    Had a bacon mac poutine! It was amazing!! Great service too!

  • en

    Andrew Roy


    The best Smoke house on wheels

  • en

    Blake Thibault


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