Bullock's Bistro de Yellowknife

CanadaBullock's Bistro



🕗 horaire

3534, Weaver Drive, X1A 2J6, Yellowknife, Fort Smith Region, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 867-873-3474
site web: www.facebook.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 62.4647844, Longitude: -114.3500747

commentaires 5

  • Ian McKenzie

    Ian McKenzie


    This place is amazing. The interior is covered with signs, signatures, business cards - history really. And the food is amazing. As soon as we sat down they brought us this amazing house made bread and dough ball plate - I could live off that bread. And the hunter's lunch was extremely yummy.

  • zh

    Jiahao Fu


    非常差的体验。首先是价格昂贵,我去过很多地方吃过非常多好吃的牛排和鱼,这里提供的食物我只能说是快餐级别的,味道非常一般,做法也非常一般,并不值40加币一份,我可以很负责任的告诉你20刀的steet food比他们家好吃,鱼肉带有腥味,牛排肉质也一般,而且我是坐在吧台看着厨师做的,所有的牛排都是按同一种火候做的,做完堆在一起,所以点菜前问你牛排要几分熟还有意义吗? 其次是服务态度,女主人一副看不起亚洲人的态度,就是那种赚着你的钱还把你当猴耍的感觉,一副高高在上的样子。 对于那些给高分评价的我也只能说是他们没有见过世面,人傻钱多,以为到了国外一切都是高级的厉害的,如果他们多去一些地方多体验一下可能回国头来就不会给5分了。 总之这是一家非常让人失望的餐厅。

  • kei u

    kei u


    バッファロー肉を初めて食べましたが大変肉肉しくて美味しかったです。牛肉より肉感があり、思っていたよりずっと柔らかくて食べやすかったです。量も一枚で十分大きくて食べ応えも抜群でした。 デフォルトで肉が二枚に設定されており、一枚にしてもらえないかとお願いしたら嫌な顔せずOKしてくれました。(勿論値段もハーフにしてくれました) シチューもいただきましたがこちらも濃厚で美味しい。 途中謎のソースを勧められてかけてみましたが肉が食べやすくなりました。 手作りのパンもあり、これもまたおいしくて何枚でも食べられてしまいます。 海外の荒々しさと優しさを同時に感じられる楽しいお店でした。

  • Jimmy Dinh

    Jimmy Dinh


    I’m glad I chose the recommendation from one of the staff, which was pan-fried pickerel. It was amazing! I’ve tried many fish and chip shops (chippers) from all over the world, and this one deserves recognition. The fries themselves were standard. The salad dressing on the tables is tasty: sweet and tangy. I wish I could have this more frequently as I am only here visiting the area. The decor is fun and keeps you looking around. Bring along a picture to add to the community walls; Wish I had!!!

  • Philip Kelley

    Philip Kelley


    Amazing and unique place. Had the pan fried lake trout at the recommendation of the chef. Was amazing. Hot bread was delicious. The atmosphere and staff were so great. My colleague let me try a taste of his Buffalo and it was also fantastic. Can't say enough good stuff. We were fortunate to arrive early and get a seat at the bar without a reservation. Definitely need to call ahead if you're planning to go. Keep up the great work!

Restaurant la plus proche

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