Bowling G Plus de Montréal

CanadaBowling G Plus



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920, Rue Saint-Zotique Est, H2S 1M8, Montréal, Communauté-Urbaine-de-Montréal, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 514-274-0797
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.538214, Longitude: -73.605569

commentaires 5

  • Kael Paradis

    Kael Paradis


    Great bowling place in Rosemont. They seem to play Kendrick Lamar on repeat.

  • en

    Israel Pastor


    It's not really bowling. They only have the tiny kind and it's quite expensive. Control consoles are old and difficult to manage.

  • Albert Zablit

    Albert Zablit


    I hadn't bowled in 20 years. I totally SUCKED at it, but had an AMAZING time with my best friend and his family. Deeefinitely worth the experience. The shooting arcade game is the only thing I didn't enjoy. Felt out of place, especially that it's a very badly designed hunting game. But that's not why you're going there, so it's alllll good.

  • Johnny Campini

    Johnny Campini


    amazing beer selection for a bowling! prices and fees are legit, around 5$ a game. clean and nice place. but, I wouldn't go there for serious bowling games or leagues. only small ball, and sometimes the keels falls in a mysterious way! haha, but the crew is great, and the shoes man is always willing to give some help, hints and Bowling secrets!

  • Wendy Belisle

    Wendy Belisle


    8 year old's birthday party. 15,95$/child for 1 hour of bowling, a lunch, decorated room, bday hats, etc... The kids had a blast! I loved not having to do anything... we just had to bring the cake. The rest was taken care of.

Allée de bowling la plus proche

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ATMAgence d'assuranceAgence de voyageAgence immobiliĂšreAlimentsAllĂ©e de bowlingAmbassadeAnimalerieAquariumAvocatAĂ©roportBanqueBarBibliothĂšqueBijouterieBlanchisserieBoulangerieBoĂźte de nuitBureau de posteBureau du gouvernementCafĂ©CampingCampingCaserne de pompiersCasinoCentres commerciauxCimetiĂšreCinĂ©maColloque zoneComptabilitĂ©ConcessionnaireDentisteDocteurEntrepreneur en toitureEntrepreneur gĂ©nĂ©ralEntreprise de dĂ©mĂ©nagementEspace de rangementFinancerFleuristeGalerie d'artGareGrand magasinGymHĂŽpitalLave-AutoLibrairieLieu de culteLivraison de repasLocalitĂ©Location de filmLocation de voitureLodgingMagasinMagasin d'alcoolMagasin d'Ă©lectroniqueMagasin de chaussuresMagasin de commoditĂ©Magasin de matĂ©rielMagasin de meublesMagasin de vĂ©losMagasin de vĂȘtementsMairieMaison du mondeMaison funĂ©raireMosquĂ©eMusĂ©eNiveau administratif niveau 1Niveau administratif niveau 2Niveau administratif niveau 3Niveau de sublocalitĂ© 1Offre de sous-locationParcParc d'attractionsParkingPeintrePharmaciePhysiothĂ©rapeutePlombierPoint d'intĂ©rĂȘtPolicePolitiquePrĂ©misseQuartierRepas Ă  emporterRestaurantRouteRĂ©paration automobileSPASalon de beautĂ©SantĂ©SerrurierSoin des cheveuxSoins vĂ©tĂ©rinairesStadeStation de busStation de mĂ©troStation de taxiStation de transitStation essenceStation ferroviaire lĂ©gĂšreSupermarchĂ©SynagogueTemple hindouTribunalUn aspect naturelUniversitĂ©ZooÉcoleÉgliseÉlectricienÉpicerie ou supermarchĂ©