Boston Pizza de Vaughan

CanadaBoston Pizza



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3255, Rutherford Road, L4K 5Y5, Vaughan, York Regional Municipality, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 905-761-5165
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.8285465, Longitude: -79.5409782

commentaires 5

  • Angely Dini

    Angely Dini


    Great Service, good prices. It's a good spot to hangout with friends with a couple of cocktails too

  • Jim Vitale

    Jim Vitale


    Tried so many of their pizzas but they are pre made and frozen... basically like a supermarket pizza with clever thawing

  • Tatiana Ali

    Tatiana Ali


    The tuscan pizza is fantastic and fries are crispy and delicious. MVB burger is made with fresh ingredients and authentic beef. Great service too!

  • thrasher0250



    If you have a negative experience at a restaurant one time you know what you can do? Stop being a lazy slob and go home and make a freaking meal for yourself for once in your disgusting life. Maybe then you would realize it takes more than 5 minutes to prepare a meal. Also, Vaughan Mills has the most disgusting, self righteous, CHEAP animals as customers. What a disgusting city of low class people you are Vaughan. The staff is amazing, and the food at any restaurant is what it is. Get over yourself and the fact that you're too cheap to spend any decent money, and that you're too lazy of a slob to ever cook a real meal for your own family. Now shut your disgusting mouths, be grateful that you live in a first world country and go home and make lack-luster walrus love to your disgusting slob of a significant other.

  • en

    Len Sso


    Me and my family came into the Boston Pizza starving!! When we finally ate our food was the best tasting we've ever had at a Boston Pizza. The best part of it all was the service thou. Our waiter Melanie and the manager Steph(or other way around) took extremely good care of us. They took accountability for anything we brought up and went above and beyond to satisfy all 6 of us. Thanks to their great service Boston Pizza is a place I look forward to coming back again and again. Thanks guys, Salute

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