Boston Pizza de Coquitlam

CanadaBoston Pizza



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3025, Lougheed Highway, V3B 1C6, Coquitlam, Greater Vancouver, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 604-941-6414
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.2757034, Longitude: -122.7944819

commentaires 5

  • Heather McCune

    Heather McCune


    I've always had really great service here and the food is always great and we'll priced

  • Mohammadreza Behnejad

    Mohammadreza Behnejad


    Good food, nice staff I have tried Mediterranean pizza and I strongly suggest that for Veggie lovers

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    Sly Fox


    Good food slower service. Friendly. Would come again

  • Mina A

    Mina A


    A family friendly restaurant full of kids! A little noisy because of the number of kids that may be here so if you are looking for a cozy place for a date night, probably this should not be your first choice! Lovely speedy service. Our table ordered the steak nachos as the appetizer because it was a special for that day (usually $16.99, that night it was $12). The chips were too oily. The nachos were drenched in mayo and BBQ sauce. If you are ever ordering this, I suggest asking them to hold back on the sauces a bit! The bottom central cheese had not melted. We also ordered an individual Mediterranean pizza (vegeterian) and an individual Deluxe pizza. The presentation for both seemed great but we were so full after having the nachos that we had to take the pizzas in a take away container home!

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    Vanessa Reid


    We ordered for pick up, which was ready when we arrived (20 minutes). The Bandera bed was delightful but the fettuccine linguine left me longing for water to wash down the starchy noodles and some flavor for the milky sauce. I would not recommend their pasta dishes to anyone.

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