Boston Pizza de Saskatoon

CanadaBoston Pizza



🕗 horaire

130 - 3055, Clarence Avenue South, S7T 0B4, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 306-934-5533
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.0858226, Longitude: -106.6458901

commentaires 5

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    Meghana Rajeev


    We had a really bad experience yesterday. It took like more than 20 minutes for someone to attend our table. We didn't even get cutleries and even for cutleries, we had to wait 15 more minutes after we got our food. By the time our food was cold and soggy.The service was really bad. We felt like the servers were discriminating us. They were all attending other tables but not ours.

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    DG Guinto


    Food is just so good even if it was an hour late because the delivery guy was lost.

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    M Eow


    Nice new place, cool servers with new jokes on the daily, good food. If I could say one thing I'd say yum.

  • Chris Carson

    Chris Carson


    Newest Boston pizza in the city I had just a pizza and drink but the service was excellent the staff was friendly and helpful, the restaurant is simple in a good way give it a shot even if you had a bad experience at another location

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    jeremy sacks


    This new location looks amazing! The service was excellent. The food is still Boston pizza but the atmosphere is something else completly. 10/10

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