BMO Bank of Montreal de Ottawa

CanadaBMO Bank of Montreal



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269, Laurier Avenue West, K1P 5J9, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-564-6424
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4191357, Longitude: -75.6984868

commentaires 5

  • Marjorie Gorecki

    Marjorie Gorecki



  • heather maka

    heather maka


    I have been a client for awhile and the tellers are very curtious I would recommend this bank to anyone.

  • en

    Ashley Udechukwu


    amazing services here!

  • Diogo Mattoso

    Diogo Mattoso


    Perfect service. Their representatives are friendly and professional. Great experience so far.

  • Nur-E-Elahi Shonchoy

    Nur-E-Elahi Shonchoy


    The service is good, the representatives are well mannered and friendly. They have 24/7 ATMs located just outside the branch. BMO is doing a good job over all as a bank but is not recommended for students due to very strict transaction limit on their student accounts, you cannot make more than 1 deposit or withdrawal to your Student Savings account a month, you receive a penalty of $5 for each transaction you make even if it is a deposit from your BMO checking account to BMO savings account.

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