Bloom School de Toronto

CanadaBloom School


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163, Sterling Road, M6R 2B2, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 647-479-4059
site web:
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Latitude: 43.6543389, Longitude: -79.4442723

commentaires 1

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    Becky and her team have created a warm and welcoming space where florist of all skill levels can share and learn. Becky begins the class with a live demo of arrangement making, where she offers unsightful tips and tricks on how she creates her notorious garden styled arrangements. Once complete, the class is given adequate time to create their own. Each student is provided all the tools required to make the best possible premium arrangement, including a sea of beautiful high quality flowers. Bloom school is highly recommended for all skill levels- Whether your just starting out and looking to build your portfolio or highly experienced and looking to expend your skill set, there’s a learning opportunity for everyone . Great job with Bloom School Becky; I’m looking forward to joining you again ! !

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