BlackGold Physical Therapy Clinic de Fort McMurray

CanadaBlackGold Physical Therapy Clinic



🕗 horaire

8530, Manning Avenue, T9H 5G2, Fort McMurray, Division No. 16, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 780-215-0570
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 56.7205221, Longitude: -111.3545465

commentaires 5

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    Jaun-Pierre Huysamen


    I've been coming to BlackGold since January 25th. He is very knowledgeable about all aspects of my injury. He is very polite and he always listens, he does he's utmost best to put your needs first. He always has good advice and also have had so interesting conversations with him. I would definitely recommend BlackGold

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    Tanya Daniel


    Funsho (Physiotherapist) is a very respectable professional. His assessment of my symptoms was very fact he was able to order an x-ray for my painful hip which came back to be Heterotropic ossification; this was said on google search that it could be fatal!!! Thank you Funsho. I was wandering why he sent me to Insight Imaging instead of the was later on i realized how quick he got the report of the x-ray faxed to him... i did not even have to wait or book appointment for my x-ray. I trust his judgement...and will recommend him at any time.

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    Christine Blundell


    He wasn't pleased because I went to hospital for his requested x-rays. Not his location. He gave me a lecture. Supposed to help me heal. Not make me cry.

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    Mitchell Murphy


    Can't speak highly enough of this place; I've never walked out of here without a smile on my face!

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    Edison Reis


    Very good staff and attention to details. Flexible hours and late hours.

Physiothérapeute la plus proche

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