Billings Bridge Animal Hospital i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaBillings Bridge Animal Hospital



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1220, Rooneys Lane, K1H 1C2, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-737-5007
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.3844183, Longitude: -75.671121

kommentar 5

  • Laura Gauthier

    Laura Gauthier


    Always excellent service and advice and you never feel like they're trying to upsell you or gouge you!

  • C Nic

    C Nic


    Have been to other vets in the city but these folks are the best! Dogs are not cheap but I walkways leave feeling educated and well informed.

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    Maryse A


    I can't recommend this hospital enough. They took their time to examine my Schnoodle and answer any questions we had. We saw Dr. MacDonald an he was so very helpful. We were concerned about his teeth and instead of pushing an expensive dental cleaning on us he suggested that we try an enzymatic toothpaste and dental food first since he didn't have much build-up. Their prices were extremely reasonable, the office was spotless and you can tell that they really care about the animals and educating the owners. I'm so happy I found this practice.

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    Charlotte Ainsley


    We went there a few years ago to have our dog euthanized. It is a hard thing to do. They made us wait for over one hour! I believe that a dog knows what awaits it and that the vet (a man) was extremely cruel. As i walked out I told them that I would never be back. We had and still have another dog and we have been going on Beechwood Street. The staff is very caring.

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    Elise Ring


    Dr. Arthur and the other staff are amazing. We were 15 minutes late because our sick outdoor cat was hiding outside. They were really accommodating despite a busy schedule. Dr Arthur gave us all our options, discussed costs and was very understanding to our concerns and needs. I cannot say enough good things about this place.

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