BiBi & Cie, Chapelier de Québec

CanadaBiBi & Cie, Chapelier



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42, Rue Garneau, G1R 3V5, Québec, Communauté-Urbaine-de-Québec, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 418-694-0045
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.814757, Longitude: -71.2086078

commentaires 5

  • en

    Joshua Starczewski


    When we walked into the store a male owner approached myself and two friends. We don’t speak much french so we asked him how he was in English. He then proceeded to tell and us keep watching us. When my friend commented “C’est malade” - It is sick, when talking about how cool one of his hats was, he told us that hats were not sick. He scolded my friend about how he doesn’t like people like him who use phones just to talk. My friend learned that phrase from his tour guide.....After that the owner ranted about phones being awful and not “Smart phones” but stupid. Completely irrelevant, so we tried to leave the store. The owner held my friend up and told him that he only tells the truth and that he didn’t like him at all. Not sure how we got that out of trying to buy a hat or two. Welp, morale of the story if this store could be given zero stars, well it deserves it.

  • en

    Brandon MacRae


    Within one minute of browsing hats, one of the owners approached me and said, "If you are only interested in using the mirror to look at yourself, then you are welcome to leave." Cannot believe how rude they were.

  • Daniel McFadyen

    Daniel McFadyen


    Very unfriendly couple. Asked to leave after two minutes of not finding a hat. Owners comment "we are the best hat store in Canada and if you're not going to buy anything than get out." Very unpleasant experience.

  • de

    Johannes Keppner


    Ich trage oft HĂŒte und Kappen und schaue immer wieder in GeschĂ€ften, ob ich etwas neues finde. Hier bin ich jedoch nicht fĂŒndig geworden und deswegen am Ende sehr unfreundlich gebeten worden, den Laden zu verlassen. Der Kommentar des VerkĂ€ufers: "Wenn ich nichts kaufen möchte, warum betrete ich dann seinen Laden?" UnverschĂ€mt!

  • Harry Garry

    Harry Garry


    It was a rainy afternoon when I was walking around the city. I was without a hat and my head was drenched. I came across this small old shop and walked right in. The owner inside was very attentive and offered me many styles for hats. In the end, I purchased a City sport Cap and I was pleasant with my shopping experience. My only complaint is the price for the hats, but the service and the owners were both nice, good, and it seemed like the store has been there for many years. In the end, I was happy with my new cap.

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