Beverly Ashdown Day Spa de Saskatoon

CanadaBeverly Ashdown Day Spa



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2105, 8 Street East, S7H 0T8, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 306-955-5400
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.1160092, Longitude: -106.6252088

commentaires 5

  • Kendra Wack

    Kendra Wack


    I got a new set of gel nails from here and spent almost $100 on them. I've had gel nails for years before and taken them off to improve the health of my nails. I have never had nails crack or break, I am super gentle on my nails. They were horribly done with large bubbles of gel on the back sides of my nails. Not even 5 days later 6/10 of them have chipped, broken, or cracked. Not very impressed.

  • en

    Willa Picton


    thank u Amy for my exquizit toes love them ! 😀 and the chat.. hv a gr8 summer and Christine ill b bk for that facial VERY soon 😎😉

  • willa picton

    willa picton


    OMG!! THANK U EMMA AND MY MASSAGE LADY 4GOT UR NAME.. ILL B BK! firt time experience with a spa what a time i WILL remember.. fept like a queen wonderful convo with my gals 😎😉

  • Kristy Suik

    Kristy Suik


    My favorite place to have my manicures and pedicures done. This place makes you feel so relaxed and very upscale. Come and pamper yourself!

  • Marina Stephenson Kerr

    Marina Stephenson Kerr


    Thankyou everyone at Beverly Ashdown who made my Dad's birthday such a special event on Monday! My folks were so thrilled and overwhelmed with all the special attention and loving touches! I can't wait to get there myself for some pampering when I'm home in April! XO Marina Stephenson Kerr

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