Best Buy de Winnipeg

CanadaBest Buy



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810, Saint James Street, R3G 3J7, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 204-783-0976
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.8878595, Longitude: -97.202473

commentaires 5

  • Jedd Ylagan

    Jedd Ylagan


    Went here to my phone. If you ever want a screen protector this place is awesome! Came here and went to the Geek Squad, they'll lazer cut you one to the specifics of your device. Ripped mine from a cat scratching it, just go back and they'll replace it for free! It's got a lifetime warranty, pretty good deal even though it's not glass. I love it cause it's not noticeable like a glass screen protector and keeps the shape of your device

  • Andrew Gillespie

    Andrew Gillespie


    This location has done quite a bit of work to ensure that as a shopper you feel welcome and not crowded - but still provides a wide selection and plenty of stock. The staff are well trained and friendly, and always willing to help.

  • en

    Glenn Leftwich


    As $600 Samsung tablet was 2 months past warranty, refused to provide any help to get repaired even at my own expense. Their Manager's answer "Not our problem"! I'll still go to them to see merchandise, but will spend my money elsewhere!

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    Enan Spirit


    I was mad for a couple of days because of the lack of good service from this store. Its the closest to my work and house that's why I've been going here. But after reading a few reviews, I felt really better knowing that I'm not alone. Someone said that when you need assistance, everyone seems to pretend to be preoccupied or just really MIA. If you need more information about a stuff, you better find it somewhere else. Just go here if you know what you are looking for, and you will spend more if you don't.

  • M. O. Tareq

    M. O. Tareq


    Best tech shop in Winnipeg. I like their store layout. It is much more organized. Staffs are friendly and helpful. But some of them have not enough knowledge on the items they are responsible for. I do realize that they are sales associate, not expert. But sometimes it is good to have a knowledgeable associate around.

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