Beneath It All Lingerie Ltd de Saskatoon

CanadaBeneath It All Lingerie Ltd



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234, 1 Avenue South, S7K 1K3, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 306-934-0833
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.1263959, Longitude: -106.6662377

commentaires 5

  • en

    Carol Nachtegaele


    The sales person was very knowledgeable about the products and found a bra immediately and it was the first one I tried on.

  • Jamie Lynn MacLeod

    Jamie Lynn MacLeod


    Excellent service, welcoming atmosphere and very helpful staff.

  • en

    Arti Kumar


    This is the ONLY place in Saskatoon that I have been able to find that has a variety of brands that actually fit and support my breast size. Being a naturally busty woman with a smaller frame, I found myself torn between options at the end of my fitting rather than walking our discouraged and hating my body. The staff is very well informed and professional with their services. They are great with body-positive imaging. I think this is a great place to take blossoming young girls to learn about their bodies and how to care for them. I had a great time shopping here and will continue to go back!

  • Ruth McKeown

    Ruth McKeown


    The staff really knows their product. They also know how to fit a bra for unusual sizes... best in Saskatoon for sure.

  • en

    Sonya M


    The staff are very helpful and the selection is very extensive. Their products come in every size imaginable and the brands are some of the most gorgeous bras I have seen. It's totally worth the time to go in and get a proper fitting too. I won't go anywhere else!

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