Bell de Vancouver




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700, West Georgia Street, V7Y 1K8, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 604-408-3433
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.2827263, Longitude: -123.1189379

commentaires 5

  • en

    Shay R


    I went in to ask advice, completely change my plan, and get a new phone. Despite being busy the employee Nicole answered my many questions and got everything done efficiently. Walked away happy with my new phone and fantastic plan!

  • en

    Paula Lumandas


    I was visiting from Edmonton and my phone’s data was acting up so i went to this location and an employee named Nicole was there. She was very friendly and efficient! She solved the problem within five minutes and even showed me what to do next time it happens. Definitely recommend this location because of her!

  • Anka Do

    Anka Do


    I went in with my friend to get the 10gb for $60 plan and a girl named Nicole helped us out. She was really fast and efficient when we told her we had somewhere to be in 30 minutes. She explained things really well and it was really straightforward.

  • Gary Mo

    Gary Mo


    I went to Bell Pacific center to upgrade my phone and I was helped by a wonderful young lady by the name of Nicole. She was more than helpful and was basically the best customer service that I had ever received from any telecommunications company. I would recommend everyone to come here to upgrade their device or set up a new phone.

  • Fart's Pfotografy

    Fart's Pfotografy


    Today Dec/16/2017 at 10am i spoke to a not so friendy😠young asian lady named Nicole about updating my cellular plan,her answer was you have to call customer service while i was standing there she answered a phone call with the same answer "i don't know you have to call customer service"đŸ€”so Bell hands her a name tag and she's a professional sales lady WOW!!! that's so retarded. I ended upđŸš¶đŸ»â€â™‚ïžgoing to another location on Broadway and Heather and was explained by a staff member about the new plan in detail,i'm certainly going to return to them in the future

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