Beddington's Bed & Bath ALTA VISTA de Ottawa

CanadaBeddington's Bed & Bath ALTA VISTA



🕗 horaire

1708, Bank Street, K1V 7T4, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 613-521-5000
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.3749555, Longitude: -75.666302

commentaires 5

  • donna ward

    donna ward


    Very helpful staff

  • maria romano

    maria romano


    Helpful staff.

  • Marcia B.

    Marcia B.


    Great staff, wonderful home decor! I love their towel and bedding selection.

  • en



    This is where I buy all my bed stuff. They have a hige selection and the prices are decent. I love this store.

  • April Thomas

    April Thomas


    I did not think that service like this still existed. I don't think that I have ever encountered a more helpful staff anywhere. It would have likely taken me two or more hours to find all the things that I was looking for today. The second I walked in the door I was greeted and offered help and I ended up leaving 40 minutes later with pretty much everything that I had come for, thanks to the help of the two individuals who did all the work for me. They even carted everything out to my car for me. Great store, wonderful people.

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