Beaver Lake de Montreal

CanadaBeaver Lake


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Beaver Lake, Montreal, QC H3H, Canada
contact téléphone: +1
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4988179, Longitude: -73.5973997

commentaires 5

  • en

    Maria Lucia Montoya


    One of my favorite places in the world... It doesn't matter the season.... It is beautiful

  • Steve Tessier

    Steve Tessier


    I live in Montreal and there is no place like up on the mountain at Beaver Lake. I use to go as a kid sledding in the winter. Great all year round.

  • fritz cabag

    fritz cabag


    Very nice place.. food in their cafeteria is affordable and delicious.. well maintained place to stroll. Five stars!

  • Liudmyla Kotusenko

    Liudmyla Kotusenko


    There is a well-maintained skating rink, a hill for sliding, both free and for $ (on air tubes), and a rental to try different activities such as cross-country skiing or snowshoes. In summer, it is an amazing place, too

  • zhang wanling

    zhang wanling


    You can take a nice walk from Mont Royal park to the lake. There are benches and a lot of shaded place for a family/group hangout during the summer.

Un aspect naturel la plus proche

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