BAYVIEW - O-Train South/sud de Ottawa

CanadaBAYVIEW - O-Train South/sud


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Ottawa, Ontario K1Y, Canada
contact téléphone: +1
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Latitude: 45.408947, Longitude: -75.721687

commentaires 5

  • Pat Crosscombe

    Pat Crosscombe


    It is great to see the development of the new LRT. Be can't wait for it to be finished.

  • Ciall Barrett

    Ciall Barrett


    It's a pretty bad station. Hopefully it'll be improved once the construction is completed. You have to walk five minutes through the construction and bike paths to transfer to and from the O Train. It's always busy and the train rarely sticks to its timings. You often see the train leave right as you walk up to the doors too.

  • en

    Aleks Colic


    Train doesn't come a lot, and they are slow to post updates.

  • John D

    John D


    The o-train waits on this stop until it's time to leave and unless you have the schedule memorized, the safest bet is to run for it as if it's just about to leave. Most of the time though you'll get on, sit down, and wait a good amount of time before it departs.

  • Curtis Perry

    Curtis Perry


    I'm rating this five stars because you can take the O-Train here.

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