Bay Leaves Restaurant de Regina

CanadaBay Leaves Restaurant



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221, Victoria Avenue, S4N 0P4, Regina, Division No. 6, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 306-205-8401
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.446955, Longitude: -104.584537

commentaires 5

  • Adam Levine

    Adam Levine


    loved the curry pizza great price friendly staff good eats

  • en

    Fred Wall


    First-rate service, friendly staff, and an interesting lunch buffet with a lot of variety. I come here often and I really enjoy the food. This is also a good location for work meetings.

  • Davinder Kaur

    Davinder Kaur


    Worse food I ever ate. Customer service was really good of one of d staff members and she did apologize for d entire situation..n d rest were trying to just cover up. If a person is saying d food is not good in taste that does nt mean that they dont want to pay for it. It literally means you need to improve on d quality of d food. it does nt even worth one star

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    Sarat balakrishnan


    I would like to share my incredibly horrible experience at this restaurant. Food was tasteless, and when we complained about it she gave a lame excuse that, it's the same chef who cooks it everyday and been with us for years . And I don't have words to express the hardness of the rotis being served to us . When asked why the rotis are so hard the staff answered our owner is off to India that's why they don't have soft naan (rotis) 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Well having said that we will never ever step in here , i won't recommend this place to anyone . 1 star is default I don't have any choice . But it's minus 100 out of ten

  • Rob McCallum

    Rob McCallum


    Great food. Can't believe I passed by this place almost every day. Some dishes pulled no punches on the spice which was great. Service was polite and attentive. Might be my most favorite Indian cuisine restaurant.

Restaurant la plus proche

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