Bath Depot de Ottawa

CanadaBath Depot



🕗 horaire

1872-2, Merivale Road, K2G 1E6, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 613-422-5110
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.3334128, Longitude: -75.7247334

commentaires 5

  • en

    nicole emon


    Great place, products & knowledgable staff! Highly recommended!

  • en

    Nathalie Charette


    Amazing product pricing and experience

  • Christina Colangelo

    Christina Colangelo


    Great service! Jen helped us select everything we needed, checked to see if we could get it in time and worked with our budget. She was super friendly and professional. Will come back when we redo our second bathroom!

  • Amiro Hague

    Amiro Hague


    Fantastic service & prices. Thank you Aaron for all your help and advice .

  • en

    Kruiser 74


    We are quite disappointed in the poor quality of the products based on the price we paid. That was at 40-50% off. And with the 7 day return policy we were not able to get our money back for the vanity, vanity top and faucet. The vanity has a large noticeable gap between the door, the shelves do not slide smoothly, and the shelves bottom have numerous imperfections. The faucet is loud when running water. We will not be returning to the Bath Depot. Best to spend the money at another store, especially ones which will return the product and to stick with brand name faucets.

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