Barbecues Galore - South Calgary de Calgary

CanadaBarbecues Galore - South Calgary



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5875, 9 Street Southeast, T2H 1Z9, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 403-258-4440
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0023604, Longitude: -114.0413224

commentaires 5

  • en

    Birte Jorgensen


    Friendly staff, and a lot of beautiful things. A lot of tempting ideas.

  • Jeff Kahane

    Jeff Kahane


    I take my BBQ pretty seriously and have purchased BBQs, grills and smokers here. The service is excellent and staff very knowledgeable. They also have one of the selections of accessories so if you need BBQ tools or pizza stones or smoke boxes... they have them here. HINT: check out their section of charcoal and wood chips. Ask them to teach you how to use a smoke box in your gas grill to let you BBQ and get all that yummy flavour!

  • Brian James

    Brian James


    We bought our current barbeque from Barbeques Galore and got very friendly and helpful advice and service. I highly recommend anyone looking for a grill to head on over!

  • Kassandra



    Awesome service every time we come here. Will definitely be back for their selection of ribs and sauces.

  • Ron Antonio

    Ron Antonio


    Weber 410 is a fabulous grill .... i even assembled it in less than an hour. Great even heat. No flares.

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